When learning a new language, the first program people usually write is one that salutes the world 🙂
Here is the Hello world program in C++.
//include headers; these are modules that include functions that you may use in your //program; we will almost always need to include the header that // defines cin and cout; the header is called iostream #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // print output to user cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; }
After you write a C++ program you compile it; that is, you run a program called compiler that checks whether the program follows the C++ syntax
- if it finds errors, it lists them
- If there are no errors, it translates the C++ program into a program in machine language which you can execute
- what follows after // on the same line is considered comment
- indentation is for the convenience of the reader; compiler ignores all spaces and new line ; the delimiter for the compiler is the semicolon
- all statements ended by semicolon
- Lower vs. upper case matters!!
- Void is different than void
- Main is different that main
- How to compile?
$ g++ hello.cpp –o hello
compiler-generated executable file
source file
compiling command
Note: the default output filename is “a.out” - How to execute?
$ ./hello
- C++ Simple Programs And Examples
- C++ – Hello World Program
- C++ – Simple calculator
- C++ – Even and Odd
- C++ – Swap two numbers
- C++ – Prime Number
- C++ – Find Perfect Number
- C++ – Factorial of Number
- C++ – Fibonacci Series
- C++ – Human Resource Management Program
- C++ – Calculate number of characters, words, sentences
- C++ – Subtract two Strings
- C++ – Processing of the Students structure
- C++ – Program with Matrices
- C++ – Calculate Equation
- C++ – Arrange Numbers in Ascending order
- C++ – Check Armstrong Number
- C++ – HCF and LCM
- C++ – Square Root of a Number
- C++ – Cube Root of a Number
- C++ – ASCII Code for Characters and numbers
- C++ – Check Palindrome Number
- C++ – Bubble sort
- C++ – Random Number Generator
- C++ – Sum of ODD Numbers in the Given Range
- C++ – Display current date and time
- Formula Based Programs
- C++ – Leap Year
- C++ – Surface Area and volume of cone
- C++ – Solve Quadratic equation
- String Based Programs
- C++ – String into Upper case or lower case
- C++ – Concatenate Strings
- Array Based Programs
- C++ – Program with Matrices
- Print Any Patterns
- C++ – Print 5 rows of 10 Stars (*)
- C++ – Half Pyramid of Stars (*)
- C++ – Half Pyramid of numbers
- C++ – Print Triangle of Stars
- C++ – Display Reverse pyramid.
- C++ – Print Alphabet Pattern
- C++ – Diamond of Star
- C++ – Pascal Triangle
- C++ – Floyd Triangle
- C++ Conversion
- C++ – Convert decimal to Hexadecimal
- C++ – Decimal to Binary
- C++ Sorting algorithms & Techniques
- C++ – Bubble Sort
- C++ – Insertion Sort
- C++ – Selection Sort
- C++ – Merge Sort
- C++ – Quick Sort
- C++ Handling Files
- C++ – How to get Current Directory in Linux/Windows
- C++ – How Create a Text File and Write in It
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