Write a C++ program that gets two strings from input and stores them in variables such as str1 and str2. Then you should delete all possible str1 in str2. Note that after deletion of str1 in str2, you need to check again the inclusion of str1 in str2. That means the final printed result at the screen shouldn’t include any str1.
Str1? ab
Str2? sksaabbkjsdaabbksjkabksjsababaaab
Result? skskjsdksjkksjsaa
#include<conio.h> #include<iostream> #include<String.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; //-------defining global variables and initializing them------------- string str1,str2; char str3[256]; bool a= true; void String1(); int main() { char redo; //--------Printing my name on screen---------------- cout<< "Welcome to the program 2.3 written by Your Name"<<endl; cout<<"**************************************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl<<endl; //--here do loop is used so that the program can be used more then one time //without exiting the run screen--------------------------- cout<<"\nEnter the First string: "; cin>>str1; cout<<"\nEnter the Second string:"; cin>>str2; while(a) { String1(); } cout<<"New String after deleting first string from second : "<<endl<<str2; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"enter y or Y to continue:"; cin>>redo; cout<<endl<<endl; getch(); } void String1() { //-------defining local variables and initializing them------------- int len1,len2; int len3,k=0,b=0, match=0,i,j,count=0; len1=str1.length(); len2=str2.length(); for(i=0;i<len2;i++) { b=i; for(j=0;j<len1;j++) { if(str2[b]==str1[j]) { match= match+1; b=b+1; } else break; } if(match!=len1) { match=0; str3[count]=str2[i]; count++; } else { match=0; a=true; i=i+len1-1; } } str2=str3; if(str2.length()==len2) { a=false; } str3[0]='\0'; for(int i=0;i<len2;i++) str3[i]='\0'; }
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