In this post we will see How to Install Docker in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.Here we will be looking at step by step process to install Docker.
1.We are going to install docker using standard Ubuntu repositories but if you want to install docker using the docker website it’s also fine , to do that Just search for “install docker Ubuntu” and then the first link which will appear will be from . Just click on this link.

2.When you scroll down in this page you will be able to see different methods of installing docker.

3.The first is install using repositories so using this method you will get the latest and greatest version of docker on your Ubuntu operating , system the second way of installing docker on your ubuntu operating system is by just installing it via the standard Ubuntu library.
4.Whenever you first give $ docker
command on your ubuntu operating system and then press Enter you will see the command docker not found but can be installed with command : $sudo apt install
. So we can use this command and whenever you install docker using this command , it’s going to work perfectly fine it may be a little bit older version but going to work for all of your need.

Just give $docker - - version
command and it’s going to give result which says docker version.
5.Now , we need to check whether docker is running or is it enabled and if it’snot enabled then we are going to start this service by enabling it and then starting it .So to do this you can just give command : $sudo systemctl status docker
. press ENTER.

One can see it says it’s loaded but right now it’s inactive or dead .
6.To enable it what we can give command : $sudo systemctl enable --now docker
. It is going to start and enable the docker.So now if you see the status again you will see that now it’s active and running.If it doesn’t work , just reboot you’re ubuntu operating system and see if this status is active and running or not .Once you see this status is active and running then you can just press Q to just exit from this command .
7.To test whether docker is working generally on our open to operating system or not . Simplest command to test docker is : $ sudo docker run hello - world

This is how you can download and install and enable docker on your ubuntu operating system.
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