C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using switch case

c programming
c programming

Write a C program to Make Simple calculator.
Write a program and call it calculator.c which is the basic calculator and receives three values from input via keyboard.

  • The first value as an operator (Op1) should be a char type and one of (+, -, *, /, s) characters with the following meanings:1 ‘+’ for addition (num1 + num2)
    2 ‘-’ for subtraction (num1 – num2)
    3 ‘*’ for multiplication (num1 * num2)
    4 ‘/’ for division (num1 / num2)
  • Program should receive another two operands (Num1, Num2) which could be float or integer.
  • The program should apply the first given operator (Op1) into the operands (Num1, Num2) and prints the relevant results with related messages in the screen.
C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using switch case by codebind.com
# include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  float  num1, num2, result;
  char   choice, opcode;
  bool   bCont = true;  // flag to denote good input

    puts("Enter a choice from the list below\n\n");
    puts("1 Addition\n");
    puts("2 Subtraction\n");
    puts("3 Multiplication\n");
    puts("4 Division\n\n");
    puts("q Quit\n\n");

      bCont = true;
      puts("Enter choice: "); //User input for the calculator menu
      scanf("%c", &choice);

      if(choice == 'q')

      if((choice < '1') || (choice > '4'))
        puts("enter 1 - 4 or q, please try again");
        bCont = false;
    } while (!bCont);

    printf("Enter first number: "); //User input for first number
    scanf("%f", &num1);

    printf("Enter second number: "); //User input for second number
    scanf("%f", &num2);

    switch(choice) //switch statement for menu
    case '1':
      result = num1 + num2; //Addition calculation
      opcode = '+';

    case '2':
      result = num1 - num2; //Addition calculation
      opcode = '-';

    case '3':
      result = num1 * num2; //Addition calculation
      opcode = '*';

    case '4':
      if(0 != num2)
        result = num1 / num2; //Addition calculation

      opcode = '/';
    } // end of switch
    printf("%.2f %c %.2f = %.2f\n", num1, opcode, num2, result);
  } // end of infinite while loop

Enter a choice from the list below

1 Addition

2 Subtraction

3 Multiplication

4 Division

q Quit

Enter choice:
Enter first number: 66
Enter second number: 55
66.00 + 55.00 = 121.00
Enter a choice from the list below

1 Addition

2 Subtraction

3 Multiplication

4 Division

q Quit

Enter choice:
enter 1 - 4 or q, please try again
Enter choice:



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