Write a program to find the square of the distance between two points. (For a more advanced problem, find the actual distance.
This problem involves using the standard function ‘sqrt’. Use your help system to find out more about how to use this function.)
/********************************************************************** * Write a program to find the square of the distance between two * points. (For a more advanced problem, find the actual distance. * This problem involves using the standard function 'sqrt'. Use your * help system to find out more about how to use this function.) **********************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> char line[100]; /* a line of keyboard input */ float distance; /* distance between two points */ float square; /* the square of the distance */ float square_root; /* the square root of square */ int main() { printf("Enter the distance: "); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%f", &distance); square = distance * distance; printf("Square of distance is %f\n", square); square_root = sqrtf(square); printf("Square root of previous result is %f\n", square_root); return(0); } /* OUTPUT: Enter the distance: 100 Square of distance is 10000.000000 Square root of previous result is 100.000000 */
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