In this blog post, I will give a detailed view of installing a VSDC free video editor on your Windows 11 Operating System.
1. Open a web browser of your choice and search for vsdc free video editor. Click on the first link.
2. Once the link opens, you will be able to see downloads at the top. Hover over at that section and click on Video Editor.
3. It will redirect you to another page. Here, you can see two versions. I am going to download it for 64 bit. Click on that option. It will start to download.
4. Once the download is complete, click on the exe file and minimize the browser. It will show a warning. Click on Yes.
5. You need to select the language. I am going to choose English. Then, click on Ok.
6. In the setup window, click on Next.
7. In the license agreement window, you need to accept the agreement and click on Next.
8. In the next window, click on Next.
9. This will be the default location where it will be installed. If you want you can change the location by clicking on the Browse option. I am going to leave it as default. Then, click on Next.
10. In the next window, leave it as default and click on Next.
11. In this window, I am going to leave everything as default. Then, click on Next.
12. In the next window, click on the Install button.
13. Once the installation is complete, it will open a web page and give you a message.
14. You can also see the shortcut icon on the desktop. Click on finish.
15. Now, the VSDC video editor has been started. It also has a pro solution. If you want some additional video editing tasks, then you can upgrade the plan by clicking on the upgrade button.
16. I am going to click on the blank project option. Here, you can choose the title and everything. After choosing everything, click on Finish.
17. From here, you can start using the VSDC video editor.
18. You can also see the VSDC video editor by clicking on the windows start menu.
19. When you click on more, you will be able to see video capture and screen recorder.
These are the steps for installing VSDC free video editor on your Windows 11 Operating System.
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