Linux cat command.
cat command is used to show the content of a files and also to combine several files together in one file.
The cat command does not accept directories as input.
cat command syntax
cat filename [-n] [-b] [-u] [-s] [-v] Allows look, modifying or combining a file
cat [file.txt] [file2.txt] > [file3.txt] Reads file1.txt and file2.txt and combines those files to make file3.txt
cat command options
cat command main options:
option | description |
cat | dumps the file content on terminal |
cat -n | displays line numbers to all lines of displayed content |
cat -b | displays line numbers to non blank lines of displayed content |
cat -E | displays $ at the end of line of displayed content |
cat -s | replaces blank lines to one line |
cat -T | displays ^I instead of tabs |
cat [file.txt] [file2.txt] .. | dumps the content from all files together on terminal |
cat [file.txt] [file2.txt] > [file3.txt] | Reads file1.txt and file2.txt and combines those files to make file3.txt |
cat command examples
For exampe we have a file named sample.txt which contains the following content :
Sample text line 1
Sample text line 2 after 1 line space with tabs newx tab next tab
Sample text line 3 after 2 line space
Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space
Sample text line 5
Sample text line 6
Now let us practice some cat commands with this file.
cat – View text file data:
$ cat sample.txt
Sample text line 1
Sample text line 2 after 1 line space with tabs newx tab next tab
Sample text line 3 after 2 line space
Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space
Sample text line 5
Sample text line 6
cat -n – displays line numbers to all lines of displayed content:
$ cat -n sample.txt
1 Sample text line 1
3 Sample text line 2 after 1 line space with tabs newx tab next tab
6 Sample text line 3 after 2 line space
9 Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space
10 Sample text line 5
11 Sample text line 6
cat -b – displays line numbers to non blank lines of displayed contentt:
$ cat -b sample.txt
1 Sample text line 1
2 Sample text line 2 after 1 line space with tabs newx tab next tab
3 Sample text line 3 after 2 line space
4 Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space
5 Sample text line 5
6 Sample text line 6
cat -E – displays $ at the end of line of displayed content:
$ cat -E sample.txt
Sample text line 1$
Sample text line 2 after 1 line space with tabs newx tab next tab$
Sample text line 3 after 2 line space$
Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space$
Sample text line 5$
Sample text line 6$
cat -s – replaces blank lines to one line:
$ cat -n sample.txt
Sample text line 1
Sample text line 2 after 1 line space with tabs newx tab next tab
Sample text line 3 after 2 line space
Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space
Sample text line 5
Sample text line 6
cat -T – displays ^I instead of tabs:
$ cat -n sample.txt
Sample text line 1
Sample text line 2 after 1 line space ^Iwith tabs^Inewx tab^Inext tab
Sample text line 3 after 2 line space
Sample text line 4 after 2 more line space
Sample text line 5
Sample text line 6
cat [file.txt] [file2.txt] > [file3.txt]> – Reads file1.txt and file2.txt and combines those files to make file3.txt:
Let us say we have two text files sample.txt and sample2.txt.
First let us see the content of both the files
$ cat sample.txt
Sample text1 line 1
$ cat sample2.txt
Sample text2 line 1
Now to display the content of both the file we can give the following command. The result will be the dump of both the files.
$ cat sample.txt sample2.txt
Sample text1 line 1
Sample text2 line 1
Now to combine the content of these two files and save the combined content to the third file, give the following commands.
$ cat sample.txt sample2.txt > sample3.txt
$ cat sample3.txt
Sample text1 line 1
Sample text2 line 1
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