/********************************************************************** C Program to calculate frequency of vowels in a string **********************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int a=0,e=0,i=0,o=0,u=0,sum=0; char c; printf("Enter string:- "); printf("\nString will be terminated if you press Ctrl-Z & then ENTER."); printf("\nSTRING:- "); while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { if (c=='a'||c=='A') a=a+1; if (c=='e'||c=='E') e=e+1; if (c=='i'||c=='I') i=i+1; if (c=='o'||c=='O') o=o+1; if (c=='u'||c=='U') u=u+1; } sum=a+e+i+o+u; printf("\nFrequency of vowel 'a' is %d.",a); printf("\nFrequency of vowel 'e' is %d.",e); printf("\nFrequency of vowel 'i' is %d.",i); printf("\nFrequency of vowel 'o' is %d.",o); printf("\nFrequency of vowel 'u' is %d.",u); printf("\nTotal no. of vowels in the text is %d.",sum); } /* OUTPUT: Enter string:- String will be terminated if you press Ctrl-Z & then ENTER. STRING:- weghwehfgwwwpqezrhdnxmy,aldhfbvgctesvdchxmakwqpriuzttrewqasdgfhjklmynxc Frequency of vowel 'a' is 3. Frequency of vowel 'e' is 5. Frequency of vowel 'i' is 1. */
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