Commonly used Linux commands

Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners - Copy

Command Explanation Example
ls List files in directory; current directory is used if no directory is supplied $ ls ~/Desktop
cd Change the current working directory $ cd /home/centos/
pwd Print the current working directory $ pwd
cp Copy a file $ cp orig.txt copy.txt
mv Move or rename a file $ mv a.txt
rm Delete a file $ rm file.txt
mkdir Create a directory $ mkdir examples/
rmdir Delete a directory (must be empty) $ rmdir examples/
cat Print one or more files to STDOUT $ cat file.txt
grep Search for text within a file or STDIN $ grep
file Identify the file type $ file image.jpg
image.jpg: JPEG Image Data
head Display the first 10 lines of a file (use “-n X” to display first X lines) $ head /etc/passwd
$ head -n 5 /etc/passwd
tail Display the last 10 lines of a file (use “-n x” to display first X lines) $ rm file.txt
tail -F Display new data as it is appended to the end of a file (useful for watching logs) $ tail -F
less Display text from STDIN or a file one screen at a time $ less /etc/passwd
$ cat file | less
ps Display a list of running processes $ ps aux
lsof Display a list of open files $ lsof
netstat Display TCP & UDP connection info $ netstat -na
ifconfig Display information about your network interfaces, such as your IP address $ ifconfig
su Temporarily switch to a different user. Root is used if no username is specified $ su – [username]
sort Sort the contents of a file or STDIN $ sort /etc/passwd
uniq Remove duplicate lines from a sorted file or sorted STDIN $ uniq mylist.txt
chmod Change the permissions (mode) of a file or directory $ chmod +w file.txt
stat View detailed information about a file $ stat file.txt
ping Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to a network host to test connectivity $ ping
whoami Display the current username $ whoami
passwd Change a user’s password, or your own if no username is specified $ passwd [username]
kill Terminate or send a signal to a running process by process ID(PID) $ kill 8573
ln Create a hard or symbolic link to a file $ ln [file] [link]
Bash Commands
uname -a Show system and kernel
mount Show mounted file system
date show system date
whoami Show your username
man command Show manual for command
Bash Shortcut
Ctrl-c Stop current command
Ctrl-z Sleep Program
Ctrl-a Go to start of line
Ctrl-e Go to end of line
Ctrl-u Cut from start of line
Ctrl-k Cut from end of line
Directory Operations
pwd Show current directory
mkdir dir Make directory dir
cd dir Change directory to dir
cd .. Go up a directry
ls List files
Ls Option
ls -a Show all(include hidden)
ls -R Recursive list
ls -r Reverse order
ls -t Sort by last modified
ls -S Sort by file size
ls -l Long listing format
Bash Variable
env Show environement variable
echo $NAME Output value of $NAME variable
export $NAME= value Set $NAME to value
$PATH Executable search path
$HOME Home directory
$SHELL Current shell
Search File
grep pattern file Search for pattern in file
grep -i Case insensitive search
find /dir -name name Find file starting with name in dir
locate file Find file
File Operation
touch file1 Create file1
cat file1 file2 Concatenate file1 & file2
less file View and paginate file
cp file1 file2 Copy file1 to file2
mv file1 file2 Move file1 to file2
rm file Remove file
File Permission
chmod xxx file Change mod file to xxx
chmd -R xxx folder Recursivly chmod folder to xxx
chown user:group file Change file owner to user and group to group
I/O Redirection
cmd > file Standard output of cmd to file
cmd >> file Append standout to file
cmd 2> file Error output of cmd to file
cmd 1>&2 Stdout to same place as stderr
cmd &> file Every output of cmd to file
Process Managment
ps Show snapshot of processes
top Show real tie processing
kill pid Kill process with pid
killall name Kill all processus with names beginning name

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